Feb 2019 - Mar 2019

I wrote a webapp and built a device that allows me (or anyone else) to play a MIDI keyboard over the internet using the magic of IoT. MIDI + IoT = MIDIoT. Pretty clever, right?


The app and the device connect to each other using the very cool Losant IoT platform. The platform workflow validates the note played by the web app and then sends that note to the device.


I cheated and used an Adafruit Huzzah Feather M0 as a development platform. Arduino libraries already exist for WiFi, MIDI, and connecting to the Losant platform so why reinvent the wheel for a one-off, you know? I did design a little PCB that fits over the Feather for I/O and LED connectivity so as to feel like an engineer.


The webapp is no-longer up and running but the source code, board gerbers, and etc can be found on my Github.